Many major cities worldwide are experiencing vertical growth, primarily through the construction of apartment complexes. However, despite government regulations mandating Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) for buildings with over 20 units, the efficient utilization of STP-treated water remains a challenge due to issues such as odor and hygiene concerns.
To address this, we propose several solutions for apartments and layouts:
Upgrade STP-treated water to potable quality and offer it for use, charging a fee for its supply. While technically safe for consumption and superior to many commercially available options, psychological barriers may lead residents to prefer it for non-drinking purposes.
Optimize water usage for gardens, ensuring that treated water is efficiently utilised for irrigation.
Implement shallow well recharge systems near existing bore-wells to augment groundwater levels, thereby increasing water availability.
Establish consistent practices for returning water to the ground for recharge purposes, contributing to overall sustainability.
Foster self-sufficiency in water management, reducing reliance on purchased tanker water and promoting environmental responsibility.
At Boson, our assistance is tailored to apartments and layouts meeting the following criteria:
Capacity of STPs exceeding 50 KLD (Kiloliters per day).
Underutilization or wasteful disposal of STP-treated water, particularly in garden irrigation.
Non-utilization of treated water for flushing due to its odour.
Larger apartment complexes (over 150 units) currently purchasing tanker water, seeking to reduce associated costs.
By implementing these strategies, we aim to promote sustainable water management practices while offering economic advantages to eligible apartments and layouts.

Current Installations

Transwater System Pvt. Ltd,
64, Garden Layout,
H.S.R Layout, 2nd Sector,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560102